

For this project I have a plan. So far in this project i have not done to much and have given it very little time. In the rest of the time I have for this project I would like to devote much more time to the project.

For the month of December my goal is to finnish reading my trapper education guide and all other forms of preparing the trapper exam. I would also like to go for my trappers license. Also this month I will be ordering all of the equipment I need for preparing the furs. For example a skinning knife, a fleshing knife, all of the necessary stretchers, etc. I am also going to set weekly goals.

Week of December 16, my goal for this week is to order more traps, stretchers, skinning knifes, fleshing tools and skinning gambrels.

Week of December 23, my goal for this week is to get my trappers licence so I can legally trap. This will allow me to get out in the field and try my hand at trapping.

Week of December 30, This week I would like to actually go trapping and see if I can catch anything.

For next month, January, my goal would be to actually get out in the field and try my hand at trapping. I would like to see if i could catch anything.

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